Fondazione Merz



Mario Merz. Se la forma scompare, la sua radice è eterna

15 June – 17 November 2024, Rocca Albornoz – Museo nazionale del Ducato di Spoleto


the exhibition is part of La Sottile Linea d’Umbria, a contemporary art project spread over the Umbrian territory, by the Direzione Generale Musei del MIC, Musei Nazionali di Perugia – Direzione regionale Musei nazionali Umbria e della Regione Umbria.


a project in collaboration with the Fondazione Merz

The Cortile d’Onore and the two monumental halls of the fortress will host some of the most significant historical installations by the artist, who is present in the permanent collections of the world’s leading contemporary art museums, from the MoMA in New York to the Pompidou in Paris.

The monumental rooms of the Rocca will house Merz’s famous igloos, in which the simplest form of home ever devised by mankind becomes the tool for constructing zones for sharing ideas and meditations on the mystery of Nature and relationships.

In 1967, critic Germano Celant coined the name Arte Povera to link the work of a group of young artists, united by their reflection on the energy that emanates from raw natural materials, untampered with by man. Thus exceptional installations were born, such as those by Jannis Kounellis or Giuseppe Penone, and the iconic ones by Mario Merz, who works on natural elements, their evolution and the connections between the natural world and mankind.

The exhibition at the Rocca presents both installations and paintings, which are useful to immerse oneself in the complex and fascinating world of the artist.