Fondazione Merz


Festival delle Colline Torinesi 29 ed._performances with Fondazione Merz

12-13 October 2024 | Societas/Romeo Castellucci > Senza titolo – Fondazione Merz


20-21 October 2024 | Daria Deflorian > Elogio della vita a rovescio – Fondazione Merz


22-23-24-25-26-29-30-31 October 2024 | Sergio Ariotti/Francesca Cutolo > Hannah – Teatro Gobetti sala Pasolini


1-2 November 2024 | Giovanni Ortoleva/Valentina Picello > Pagina – Fondazione Merz


5 November 2024 | Pippo Delbono/Piero Corso > La notte – Fondazione Merz


6-7-8-9-10 November 2024 | ERT/Compagnia Pippo Delbono > Il risveglio – Teatro Astra

La Fondazione continues its collaboration with the Festival delle Colline Torinesi – Torino Creazione Contemporanea (12 October – 10 November 2024).
The historic theatre review, organised by TPE – Teatro Astra, is presenting a wide-ranging edition that can count on 7 premieres, 6 productions, 15 shows, 28 days and 52 performances.
The Festival delle Colline continues its new journey as an autumn festival, reaffirming its relationship with contemporary creation thanks also to the project partnership with the Fondazione Merz and its spaces, especially during the week of ContemporaryArt.


Saturday, 12th 17:00/17:30/18:00/18:30/19:00/19:30,
Sunday, 13th 19:00/19:30/20:00/20:30/21:00/21:30 Fondazione Merz, limited places
Societas/Romeo Castellucci > Senza titolo
Presented with Fondazione Merz and Teatro Stabile Torino
The performance has some ritual components. It resembles the rush movement which is characteristic of a lot of prayer and dance forms all over the world. It’s a repeated action offered to the audience as a never-ending motion. Senza titolo is the third chapter of the shared focus on Romeo Castellucci.
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Sunday 20th 19:00, Monday 21st ore 21:00 Fondazione Merz
Daria Deflorian > Elogio della vita a rovescio
Presented with Fondazione Merz
The work concerns one of the relationships mainly represented by the South-Corean novelist Han Kang: the one between sisters. The osmosis between the two sisters is an infinite stream. In the background, domestic violence and wars in the world. The title is borrowed from Karl Kraus’s collection of articles, a writer who knew much about wars…
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Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st 18:00 Teatro Gobetti Sala Pasolini, limited places – prod. FCT/TPE
Sergio Ariotti/Francesca Cutolo > Hannah > premiere
Presented with Teatro Stabile Torino, Piemonte dal Vivo, Fondazione Merz, Istoreto
Two lectures-performances: the first one set in 1943; the second nowadays. In the first one the topic is the growing debate about Hitler’s final solution, Auschwitz, Shoah and migrants’ condition in America. In the other one, the topic is Arendt’s cultural heritage, which tells us something also about Israeli State and the Arab world
info e biglietti

Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd 21:00 Fondazione Merz
Giovanni Ortoleva/Valentina Picello > Pagina
Presented with Fondazione Merz
“The war will last until the end of the centuries and nobody will win or lose”. From Calvino’s The Nonexistent Knight, a show centred on the character of Sister Teodora and on the relationship between the author and the white page. One of the best Italian writer’s words are simply virtuoso. And he had also a particular predilection for fairy tales.
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Tuesday 5th 21:00 Fondazione Merz – prod. FCT/TPE
Pippo Delbono/Piero Corso > La notte – artist’s monograph
Presented with Fondazione Merz
The artist from Liguria faces Bernard-Marie Koltès, giving voice to The Night Just Before the Forests, a politic play written in 1977. A nearly autobiographical journey for Delbono, who opens the show by reading a letter from the playwright’s brother, who authorises him to work on this real theatrical poem.
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Wednesday 6th 19:00, Thursday 7th 20:00, Friday 8th 21:00,
Saturday 9th 19:00, Sunday 10th 17:00 Teatro Astra – prod. FCT/TPE
ERT/Compagnia Pippo Delbono > Il risveglio – artist’s monograph
Upon the longing notes by a violin and a cello which play love and tenderness sounds, some human beings walk in a naked space which could remind of a desert. This walk movement gradually becomes a dance, sometimes joyful, sometimes melancholic, sometimes sad. Perhaps like a funeral service. The Awakening is a work about the lots of falls and awakenings which occur to us and to everybody in the world. Dedicated to all people who fell asleep and then woke up. The Festival final show is also the opening of TPE new season.
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