A kaleidoscopic journey through music composed specifically for the film and performed live, which will take us on an immersive experience in a mixture of themes, words and sounds, from acoustic to electric, aimed at transforming listening into a specialised form of taste.
“Sight, smell, touch and taste refract each other in this film which tells – without words but only through images – the process of working typical Sicilian raw materials such as wheat, almonds, oranges, tomatoes… The live musical soundtrack is a sort of natural completion of the work. To guide me on this journey into the food, and into the skilful manual work of those who cultivate it, I searched for different sound densities, which could give a sound to the images but at the same time amplify that effect of absolute estrangement that such close observation produces.
The sound itself is a raw material: it is worked with the hands, through the instruments. In this sense, in the performance I feel part of a concert involving many hands, played by several instruments, no matter if they have keys, a shell or peel”.
An Ass.cult.Wilder production in collaboration with FondazioneMerz and ZaCentrale.
Curated by Carmelo Galati
With the support of ARS and Assessorato Regionale Turismo Sport e Spettacolo .
The film Strattu has been produced and realised by Dugong Films.