Fondazione Merz


Drawing Activity in the Garden

Wednesday, 19 March at 4 PM. at the Chiribiri Garden, adjacent to the Fondazione Merz


Free activity, reservations:

The Education Department of the Fondazione Merz organizes free activities in the garden, aiming to activate and enhance the public space adjacent to the Foundation and to increase the cultural offering in the neighborhood.

The initiative is designed to foster the creation of a shared sense of community connected to culture, in an inclusive, accessible, multicultural, and multigenerational environment.

Starting with the observation of urban spaces and the practice of life drawing, participants will be engaged in a process of abstracting shapes, which will then take on new meanings through the exploration of various artistic techniques.

In case of rain, a guided tour of the current exhibition Yto Barrada – Deadhead at the Fondazione Merz will be offered.